
8 dec'08 ... 3 in 1 celebration party!!! ( 11am - 3,30pm at MCD@amp point)

这一天终于来了.. 排除万难终于可以在这一天庆祝她们的生日.. yipee~~
sori for posting dis late.. coz sumthing wrong wif my USB port yesterday.. paiseh..

juz a quick post wif sum caption below each pic .. ^^
怕让你们久等了.. hoho~~

nee n jhian bought dis cake.. the 3 bday gal..

mei zhen (20dec).. ah gan (26 nov).. huai gu (6 dec)...

fei fei duan duan 又重出江湖了!!!! ^^

1 scissors and 2 gun!! lol

ahh!! huai gu got scream dat time.. (见惯不怪了.. haha)

eating cherry..

wow..mz 很有妈妈的 feel.. haha~

huai gu's 招牌动作... biang biang!!

ah see's the only one pic ! she left for dancing practice after 1 ++ hour..

yee hua jie and huai gu..

haha~~ ocm 突然插进来..

穿情侣装的 me and ion.. so paiseh.. (btw 我特地将我的脸往后一点的.. coz me my face is bigger..haha)

当然少不了 me and my pig pig darling aka ah sou ocm 的合照lorr~~ lele~

ngek ngek.. 恶作剧... (偷拍).. 惨 lor.. 要被cyy kick 去 brazil 陪 bao qing gu ler.. huhu~~~

huai gu and cute cute de jojo!!!

so cute!!! (i mean jojo)... aiya~ 没有跟 jojo 拍到照.. T_T"

Group photo #1 .. without nee nee.. (spot huai gu).. btw do u guys notice 1 thing? abt our standing shape??

yaya!! its like a "M"cd shape!!! wat a coincident!!! (ion so steady.. the oni one who sitting ..haha)

GROUP photo #2 .. without june jie..

haha~~~ JLYM 笑到超开心的.. 因为发生了一件超好笑的事.. 只有我们知道巴了~~ lolx..

my face hide behind fei fei duan duan .. mz so cute!!! ^_^


the 3.. who studying abroad in sg.. (horizontal stripes.. so 巧!)

huai gu n me.. (感觉我是做在她的上面..laugh die me jorr)

bao qing gu n xian..

me n mei zhen .. mz u are so cute!! lolx

june jie and bao qing gu..

ocm n huai gu..

the last pic of the day ... ocm, huai gu n xian.. (i look weird!)

we played KILLER again.. 我被她们称为 " 金马奖" or "金钟奖" coz my 演技一流.. hoho~` but mz more geng~! she is my sifu.. haha~ cyy is "飞跃进步奖"..

the most funny part is when mz n ion tot each other is KILLER instead of cyy- the real KILLER!! (she reli pretend well in dat time!) .. dat time oni left 3 of them .. and of coz the reat of us noe who is the killer.. and we juz keep quite and watch 好戏.. haha~ watching ion n mz say :" 我很肯定是你.. cyy.. 你要相信我.. 她才是killer..) haha~ 当然, cyy 持有关键性的一票!! lolx.. laugh die us jorr..

忘了是谁被误以为是 killer.. but the most important part is they feel reli feel SURPRISED when noe dat cyy is the KILLER!! haha~ cyy.. 你终于可以扬眉吐气了!!恭喜恭喜~! 之前做 killer 时还超容易被人家点中tim~~ haha~

reli have a gud time there!! 难得酱多人出席..(except lut nong coz she reli very busy.. )
希望下次还有酱的难得机会.. ^^




Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

我也是在等着你的post 超久的 haizzz~~~

我的头发很长诶 是时候剪了 wuwu~~~

Anonymous said...

我以为你说的形状是LOVE 因为我看到很像LOVE形
往下一拉 才发现你说的居然是mcd 顿时倒地....不像啦

那个JLYM事件确实很搞笑 哇哈哈哈

最后一轮 我的演技实在是太好了 奸笑一万下~
我看到MZ和ion两个坚持对方就是killer 硬憋住不能笑 真辛苦 hoho

Anonymous said...


ying ying真的进步很多... 他被拆穿的那次...跟最后剩下三个人那次..



Anonymous said...

(huai): haha~ u nid to pay me版权费..hoho~

(ocm): walao! ur hair long meh? quite short wor? still nid to cut? lol

(cyy): ya lorr horr~ 也蛮像 LOVE 一下的.. but nid to 应景嘛~ MCD.. haha~ dat 2 incidents reli very funny.. lol

(june): 对 lor. they misunderstand wat we wan .. haha