
- 1 week holiday is gonna OVER!!! -

arhh!! 2moro skul reopen leh!! walao!! so fast tim~~~

i still rmb at the third day of hol (monday).. i started to feel bored of it~~
n keep complaining dis n dat... say :"im boring larr..".. n so on.. huhu~~

haiz.. during the hol.. the lazy bug inside me ard come out.. so i have to teman it~~
dats y i never open any skul book ~~ (except my tuition book^^)...

omg!!!! i m now a form 6 student liao leh!! canz play play jorr.. huhu~~
i have no enough determination & discipline as wat mrs margaret have told us long time ago..hehe..
paiseh~~ =.="

还有还有。。星期六那天去配了副新眼镜.. hehe~~ 蛮期待有新变化的~~
有机会的话会拍一张美美的照片给你们看下。。好让你们羡慕一下... hehe~~
酱子的话没有戴眼镜的就会超想近视... 有戴着眼镜的话就会想要换副新的来转换一下心情~~ hehe~~ paiseh..=.="

ah!! 忘了跟你们报告一件好事& 一件坏事..
好事: 我的近视度还是没变.. 依旧是 300 & 320.
坏事: 我竟然有散光!!!!! omg!!!!! 怎么可能!!! so sad.. huhu~~ T_T" 难怪我看东西会有点不太清楚... 原本还以为近视度加深了 tim~~~ ^^

by the way.. next post is going to be my 100th post ler~~ so fast!!
so.. any suggestion for me abt anything to post????? wait for u guys reply ar~~ ^^ thx thx~~



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