

juz finish doing my acc hw.. 蛮失望的.. canz balance the amaun! yss..
i juz give up and give my frenz's one 2moro~~ lele~

今天又跟 ying ying 走pasar malam.. 像往常一样, 我又迟到了.. paiseh..
到那时, ying ying 跟我讲说刚刚有一个人带她的狗出街.. yer~~ yss larr..
又要提心吊胆地走 pasar malam 了.. 真没瘾!!!

为了怕被狗吓死 (mean heart attack).. 我唯有变走边观察四周.. (好象做了亏心事..=.=")

终于发现 1个 yss de 主人!! 她不是抱着他的狗.. 而是绑条绳子给她自己走.. zadao!!!!!! (dis one lagi sui de..).. 幸好灵敏的我(虽然我肥了) 避到了.. hehe~

遇到不少熟人。。 seperti : Lili, Kean seng n sue nee (ngek ngek), jia wen (bro's frenz), cc(librarian .. but she din notice me eventhough i was standing in front of her.. swt..), n 1 of my senior (sori.. i reli canz rmb her name.. ^^)..
And 1 more!!!! is him!!! (ngek ngek)...
since my mum still in carrefour @ampang..
so we decided to walk to THE STORE..
在半路中, 竟巧遇他!!!!! 好有缘 worr.. (don misunderstand!!).. 因为之前有好几次都遇到他.. hehe~ 想不到自毕业后竟能在黑暗的路上看到他!!
走完 THE STORE 后.. 再次回到 pasar malam 旁边的 PETRONAS。。
等了片刻, 阿妈终于来了.. (阿爸也跟来..)

then we teman them walk the pasar malam again.. guess wat ?
i saw him agn.. hehe~ but din 看到他 tim~ =.="
因为当时我和 ying ying 不小心被 wayar 勾到.. 查点要 Pk。。 hoho~
but i sempat ask ying ying to see his real look.. (ying jie, 你终于看到他了!)
but ying ying 觉得他长得不怎么样.. blek...XD
dat ying jie arr... keep saying he is my 梦中情人 (简称 MZQR.. lolx..)
千万不要相信她啊~~ 小仙子是冤枉的.. lolx..

hey gals! guess wat i buy for ying ying's present~~~ lelele~ 你们一定想不到的..
i asked ying ying to look for her shirt which she want.. then she say no nid 送her shirt jorr.. juz 送她 socks!!! lolx.. coz she nid it recently.. zadao...
at last i bought her 10 蚊 3件 de.. (but i took 1..hehe~)
then 我负责拿那些袜子.. 回到家时才发现我忘了给回她.. lolxx.. 笑死我了.. 原来我们都老了.. haha~ 酱健忘..

k larr..




Anonymous said...

lolx...i'm not cheating other people... >V<
the guy memang is your MZQR mah....hohohoho
because you seem so excited when you met him
and you asked me several times for walking back to the pasar mlm
your response was quite weird, okay?

those dog owner really very yss lo....
those dog fur fly around the pasar mlm..
and ppl need to eat those food T^T

ya lo....the socks ah.......
both of us so forgetful.........zadao

Anonymous said...

hey! how xian's MZQR looks like? xian seem like wanna saw him in the pasar malam very much...

why buy socks de? ying ying u really lack of socks meh?

Anonymous said...

仙 你的那个他是不是你所讲你觉得很帅的中五男生啊? 是那个吗? 哈哈~

Anonymous said...

保持沉默中... haha~

Anonymous said...

wi wit~~~

我也想看一看baka xian的眼光

Anonymous said...

(ocm): miu.. dis "心花怒放" 让我想起草蜢的歌。。 hoho~ hmm.. 应该没机会了..要不然你就待在我学校门口 gap他吧~ lele~